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Newborn Deluxe and Premium - Planning and Prep Info

This information will help you be as prepared as possible.  I can not stress enough how important is is to take the time to read it over and refresh yourself again a couple days before.
Priority information:

Please contact me as soon as you deliver, OR as soon as you receive an induction/section date.  Having someone designated to do this is helpful, so you don't have to think about it.  I am on call for your birth, so I am holding days for you.  Once you have passed a certain date, I'm assuming you're still pregnant, so I'm giving your would-be session date away, and holding the next date for you.  We want to get baby in around the 2 week mark.  The first few weeks are baby's sleepiest time, and they still have the ability to curl up into a womb pose.  After that, they are much more awake and tend to curl up less, which can limit posing.  So, please make this a priority.  I can not guarantee a spot on my calendar w/in the first few weeks if you do not do your part. 

Week before our session:

- Nursing moms, please avoid any foods that may cause gassiness 24 hours before our session. 

Morning of our session: 

-Giving baby a bath helps stimulate them and give them some good awake time, on top of having a nice clean baby toes and fingers for our close ups!  At the very least give them a sponge bath to clean their eyes, and between fingers and toes so there is no fuzz from socks or hand mitts. But it’s not necessary to keep them awake otherwise.  Gently clean flaky skin and moisturize after bath.  


-Dress baby in something that zips or buttons in the front. Do not dress baby in anything we'll have to pull over their heads to remove.  We want to keep baby sleeping if possible.  If the weather is warm enough, feel free to bring baby in a diaper only. 


-Coming with a hungry baby is fine.  We can start off your session by feeding baby. You’ll have privacy in the studio for nursing or pumping. Don’t do anything out of the ordinary as far as baby’s feeding schedule. We will break when he/she is ready. We plan for that time. And a full belly means a sleepy baby, so we allow them to dictate our session flow. 


​​What to bring:

-This is my absolute number one TOP request!!  Please bring a pacifier! Even if you’re not planning on using one, this could help tremendously during the session to keep baby happily sleeping. More often than not, I don't even use the pacifier.  But, this can make or break a session for those rare occasions that we need one.  Babies suck for comfort.  And I promise it will be very brief if it's used.  I would only use it to help baby settle into a pose then we gently remove it.  I've never sent a baby home addicted to a pacifier or harmed their latch.  And even if your baby wont take a pacifier for you, they may for me.  I'm not mom (I don't smell like mama) so they will take what they can get from me.

-Bring your lotion. We will be applying to baby as needed to help with flakiness.  I do have Baby Aveeno, and Babyganics on hand that you're welcome to use as well.  

-Change of clothing for yourself (if desired) if you're doing a Premium or Deluxe Session! We’ll start off with parent/family/sibling shots. If we have baby nude for family shots there is also a chance you could get peed/pooped on. It can get a little warm in the studio once we undress baby and I turn the space heater on, so keep that in mind too and dress for comfort after family shots.

-Snacks. I always have things like kind bars and bottled water on hand, but feel free to bring anything else you’d like.  There is privacy in the studio to pump, if you need to! 

-If you're bottle feeding, bring extra formula.  If you're nursing, be prepared to nurse on demand.  Babies may tend to be a little hungrier during our session.  Modeling is hard work, Mama! 


Please feel free to bring favorite toys, snacks and treats to help encourage little ones to smile, laugh, and participate.  DO NOT bring colored treats or chocolate that will stain teeth or clothing. 

Dad, or another family member is encouraged to leave with siblings after the family portion. Little ones can get bored fast, so please bring things to entertain your little ones if kiddos must stay. I ask that you respect my space and keep little ones from exploring with their hands in the prop room and studio.  Please do not allow littles to snack and walk around the studio.  Thank you for respecting my space.  

Please let me know if you have any questions.


My studio address is: 

19317 N 10th Street Suite A

Covington La, 70433



-Answer the questions in the form below and hit submit.  These can change as we get closer, so no pressure!  

Would you like little detail shots like hands, feet, lips, eyelashes?
Things that I am open to using:
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© 2024  by  Andrea Davis

Andrea Davis Photography - 19317 N 10th Street  Suite A Covington La 70433- 985-264-0108 

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